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Our Story

At the 2006 Minnesota Fringe Festival, Sadie Bowman and Marc Gutman premiered a highly unlikely smash hit: Calculus: The Musical! It was the product of a funny math teacher and a smart comedian, and it struck a resounding chord in the education world. In 2016, Bowman and Gutman were joined by actor/writer/one-time-astrophysics major Ricky Coates, and with him came an extention of subject matter beyond Calculus and into the sciences. In 2023, theatre creator K. Brian Neel added his experience in playwriting, performance and design, and Matheatre expanded to include not only live musicals, but interactive game experiences and other STEM-based entertainment projects under the name of History Science Theatre.


Now a 501(c)(3) entity with international reach, Matheatre and History Science Theatre work with museums and science centers, libraries, and planetaria in addition to high schools and colleges worldwide. Beyond performing, we create unique theatre and interactive theatrical experiences on commission for science education institutions, and offer workshops to educators and science communicators. Matheatre is a member of ASTC (Association of Science and Technology Centers).


Based in the United States, we travel worldwide to museums, colleges, high schools, libraries, theatres and any place science and arts can collide. Our professional theatre artists perform for and work with educators, students and laypeople to enrich science communication with the power of story. We believe that scientific literacy, curiosity, and imagination are necessary components of a healthy society, and these are values we seek to promote through our work.

Matheatre is a 501(c)(3) entity

Matheatre Corporation  |  501(c)(3)  |  EIN: 83-0526245

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© 2024 by MATHEATRE

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